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Agent Details - Madison Stewart

Madison Stewart


Madison Stewart

Growing up as a military kid, I moved every couple years.. like clockwork. The great thing that came from routinely picking up my life and starting completely over was that I became really, really good at getting to know people. I learned what people like, what they don't, and how I can best adjust my actions to better serve them. I got comfortable walking into a room full of people I didn't know and never meeting a stranger.

After 8+ years of working in Customer Service, I always knew my uncanny ability to connect with people, and in turn serve them, would translate well into a career in Real Estate. Crazy how things work.. instead of becoming an agent, I help serve our AMAZING agents in making THEIR lives easier. I am here to assist our producers in finding any and every way that can help them get to their definition of success as quickly and efficiently as possible.. all while maintaining the DASH way.

In my free time, I enjoy working out, listening to 90s hits, and venturing out to local parks with my sweet (and spicy), ginger daughter!



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